Prayer to Saint Jude Thaddeus

Saint Jude, glorious Apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor caused you to be forgotten by many, but the Church honors and invokes you universally as the patron in desperate cases, in cases without remedy. Pray for me, who am so miserable. Make use, I ask you, of this particular privilege that has been granted to you, of bringing visible and immediate help, where help has almost completely disappeared.

Assist me in this great need, so that I can receive the consolations and assistance of Heaven in all my needs, tribulations and sufferings, reaching me the grace of... (here is the particular request), and so that I can praise God with you and with all the elect, for all eternity.

I promise you, o blessed Saint Jude, to always remember this great favor, and to never stop honoring you, as my special and powerful patron, and to do everything in my power to encourage devotion towards you.
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