The Sacraments, much more than traditional, ritual and liturgical acts, are the sensitive sign of God who acts in our midst, a God who always wants to be intimate with us, and that is why Jesus instituted them all. Are they:
- Eucharist: The center of our faith, Jesus in his fullness as Man and God, gives himself again to us to have an intimate encounter with Him. The Sacrifice of the Cross is renewed at each mass, Jesus gives himself again to all of us, sinners.
- Baptism: Baptism erases in us the stain of original sin, and thus introduces us to the people of God and we become part of the Mystical Body of the Church, whose head is Christ himself.
- Confirmation: Confirmation is the last of the Sacraments of Initiation, the Holy Spirit pours out his 7 gifts on Young People, who are now adults in the faith and ready to follow Christ in their lives.
- Confession: We humans, by our nature are sinners, and God, always wanting to be intimate with us, instituted Confession, where penitents confess their sins to the Priest. This gives absolution, so we return to the State of Grace, the Grace of God.
- Anointing of the Sick: Anyone who is experiencing physical illness, such as illness or mental illness, can receive the anointing of the sick, so we ask God to cure all illnesses.
- Marriage: A Man and a Woman, who, due to so much love between them, want to become one body, get married, and just as the Love between God the Father and God the Son generated the Holy Spirit, the love between man and God A woman gives birth to a child.
- Order: Men who want to offer their Life to God receive the Sacrament of Order, offering everything they do for the Kingdom of God, helping the militant Church to reach Heaven, administering the Sacrament to us.