Every baptized person who has not yet been confirmed can receive the sacrament of confirmation (cf. can. 889, §1). As a general rule, the minimum age to receive the sacrament of confirmation is 14 years old.A candidate for confirmation must profess faith, be in a state of grace, intend toreceive this sacrament and be prepared to be a disciple and witness of Christ, inecclesial community and in temporal occupations (cf. CIC, 1319). The person who administers the sacrament of Confirmation is the bishop,pointing out that this sacrament unites those who receive it more intimately to theChurch, its apostolic origins and its mission to bear witness to Jesus Christ.
In our parish, preparation meetings take place weekly and last for a year, with evangelization andfaith formation, as well as participation in community celebrations. Preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation includes the study of aspects ofhuman and Christian vocation, the deepest knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Church and its mission,of the sacraments, especially Baptism and Confirmation, and the identity and activity of the Christianconfirming in the community. Registration always takes place at the beginning of the year.
Source: Diocesan Directory of the Sacraments - Diocese of Santo André