
Baptism (from the Greek, baptizein) means diving. Diving into the baptismal waters recalls theburial of the catechumen in the death of Christ and his birth as a “new creature” (2Cor 5:17;Gal 6:15). The baptized person is reborn as a son of God and the Church (Gal 4:6), a member of Christ (1Cor 6:15; 12:12-13)and temple of the Holy Spirit (1Cor 3,16; 6,19), free from original sin and all sinspersonal.Baptism imprints an indelible character of belonging to Christ (cf. can. 849), a spiritual sign thatno sin can erase. Baptism is given forever and cannot be repeated (cf. CIC1272).
Baptism is the sacrament of the human being's response to God's proposal, which includes thecommitment to continue the missionary work of Jesus Christ (Mt 28,19; At 5,42; LG 17). At thebaptism of a child, the parents and godparents give, in their name, the response of faith and assume thecommitment to educating her in the Christian faith.

Baptism of Children
Every child has the right to the sacrament of baptism, regardless of the marital status of the parents(single, cohabiting, separated or divorced), upon the commitment of the parents and godparents ofassume the Christian formation of the child. Children of parents who do not have the same religion, one of whom is Catholic and the other not, can bebaptized at the request of the couple or just the Catholic party.An unbaptized child, from the age of nine, can only be accepted for baptism after receivinginstruction in the main truths of the faith, the person of Jesus Christ, and the meaning of thissacrament (Children's catechesis).

For schedule the christening In our parish, simply go to the Parish Secretariat, presenting the following documents and data:
- copy of the child's birth certificate;
- copy of the godparents' document (RG/CNH);
- date (parents and godparents) intend to take the Baptism Preparation Course.
- date you intend to baptize the child - we have baptisms on Saturdays at 2pm.
- value of R$ 122.00 (confirm).

Adult Baptism
Adults will be admitted to baptism after catechumenate and experience in the parish community.They must express their willingness to receive baptism, be aware of the Christian obligations thatassume, and be admonished so that they repent of their sins (cf. can. 865, §1). The purpose of preparing adults for baptism is to lead them to conversion and maturity in faith,as well as the acceptance of God's gift in baptism, confirmation and the Eucharist. Preparation for Adult Baptism takes place through Catechesis with Adults, which takes place according to the parish calendar.

Source: Diocesan Directory of the Sacraments - Diocese of Santo André
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